Does your small business need a website? Yes, yes it does. When I look up a business or organization and find it does not have a website I wonder: “Is this a new business? Has this place gone out of business? Are they not established or successful enough to have a website?” Perhaps you feel your business is doing fine without a website, but check out these compelling reasons for a website that you might not have considered.
1. It makes your business look legitimate. Even if you you are just starting out and have only been in business a short time, having a professional website can make your business look established, organized and on top of it’s game. The content you put on your website can further increase your credibility. Your website is your businesses public facing persona and not having one puts you at a disadvantage, and can leave potential customers scratching their heads as to why.
2. The internet is the new yellow pages. Today people use their phones (and computers) i.e. the internet, as they once did the yellow pages. It’s how they look for a plumber or a veterinarian, look for restaurants to eat at, where to get their oil changed etc., and if you don’t have a website they aren’t finding you when they look for businesses.
3. Customer Service. Your website is the perfect opportunity to show off your expertise but it’s also a great place to answer some fundamental questions that customers are interested in. Things like: what products/services does your business offer, where you are located, what are your hours, etc.
4. Collecting Emails. Virtually any type of marketing campaign will involve email marketing. Collecting emails through your website for newsletters, sales and promotional information is an opportunity you don’t want to miss out on as a small business owner.
Of course these are not the only reasons to have a website, but, in my opinion they are a few of the more compelling ones. Once you have a website you will likely find more and more reasons you need it.